There is nothing like being surrounded by excellent educators, legislators, policy makers, and administrators who put kids first...and that is exactly what I got to do today in Topeka at the Kansas Exemplary Educators Network (KEEN). Dr. Posny set the stage as our keynote speaker at lunch sharing just how great Kansas education is and the progress we have made over 8 years. Please check out her PowerPoint on the KSDE is impressive. I wonder if everyone knows just how much improvement the state has made in math, reading, social science, and science - especially in our subgroups. Did you know that the Legislative Post Audit Report showed that a 1% increase in funding produced a .86% gain in student achievement? That is almost a one to one correlation.
I had the opportunity to attend two break-out sessions. The first session was on the P-20 Council. This Council is made up of 22 people from many different areas of education. Their mission is "to improve student achievement by creating a collaborative, seamless system of education guided by the principle that success in college begins in kindergarten." Dr. Blake West, President of KNEA (pictured above), and Janet Waugh, Chair of the KS State Board of Education, gave us great information about how bringing together the PreK to Graduate School policy makers just may transform education as we know it. It is encouraging to know this diverse group of individuals are coming together to find the best way of educating children for the 21st Century in our state.
The second session I attended was on the Teaching in Kansas Commission. This group has 5 goals in recruitment and retention of teachers: 1. Regulations/Requirements/Data 2. Image and Promotion 3. Teacher Preparation 4. Working Conditions 5. Salary and Benefits Th
This evening was a banquet to honor the 2008 National Board Certified Teachers and the 2008 Milken National Educator, Vanessa Martinez. It was only 2 years ago when I was one of the NBCT getting honored and it brought back all the anxiety, rush of adrenaline, and sense of accomplishment of when those scores come in. Kansas is really blessed to have the association we do with Emporia State University and Roger Caswell for candidates going through National Boards. We recognized 27 teachers tonight. INCREDIBLE. Each one of these educators will receive $1,000 each year for 10 years for being a NBCT. Not only does this process develop your teaching skills and really force you to think differently about instruction, it pays pretty well too! Congratulations to all of you!!!
We also were introduced to Vanessa Martinez, Assistant Principal of Horace Mann Dual Language Magnet, and now the 2008 Milken National Educator! She receives $25,000 from the Milken Foundation for this honor. She is making a difference in Wichita and students are the better for having her in their lives. Congratulations!!
Which one doesn't belong?? Yep - me! What a night!!
So, I have to close with a little commentary on my dinner table folks. I found out right before the dinner started that I had a reserved spot at one of the tables with some amazing, powerful, intellectual, and knowledgeable people. Nervous doesn't even begin to describe how I felt sitting between Lt. Gov. Mark Parkinson and Commissioner of Education, Dr. Posny. Also sitting at the table were Dep. Commissioner, Dale Dennis, Senator John Vratil, Mrs. Janet Waugh, Chair of SBOE, and SBOE members, Mrs. Jana Shaver, Ms. Carolyn L. Wims-Campbell, and Mrs. Sally Cauble. Perhaps intimidated, humbled, shaking and scared better describe what I was feeling. During the blessing of the food, I was busy praying not to make an idiot of myself! However, after only a minute, these powerful people made me feel very comfortable. Turns out they are pretty normal! They have the same hopes and dreams for their children, the same struggles with decisions that impact their families, and the same concerns about money as we all do. I have always thought these people as lived in a different world than what I do (and they sort of do) but what I found is we all have more in common than what we have different. I think that is true with all humans. We all have a need to know another human being and be KNOWN by them. From listening to the conversation at my table, I know as children all over the state of Kansas are sleeping right now, that their education is being protected by policy makers that put KIDS FIRST. Good night and sweet dreams!
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You belong!!
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