Pictured after our panel discussion are: Cindy Venard, me, Barnett Barry from CTQ, Walt Cochran, Marilyn Fox, Mary Martha Good
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the KU Strategies for Educational Improvement. The three main speakers in the morning were Barnett Barry, President of Center for Teaching Quality and Jo Anderson, senior policy adviser for outreach to teachers and teacher organization to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. And of course, our state of Kansas genius, Alexa Posny, Commissioner of Education. Barnett challenged our thoughts of what a professional teacher role could be. My assistant superintendent, Dayna Richardson, summed up his presentation so well I am using her summary: (thanks, Dayna!)
...... 10-20% of the country’s best teachers work in hybrid roles, enabling them to keep a focus on the classroom but lead their peers to improve instruction and schools.
Imagine .....
1. Resource creators for 2nd language learners
2. Information mavens for the “googled” learners
3. Leaders of user networks
4. Community organizers
5. Websites to check out that could transform learners and teachers:
6. How do we help new teachers?
First year - Teach 60% of students
Second year - Teach 80% of students
Draw on expert teams to support (New teachers in Japan only teach 10 hours a week)
System is dynamic, not flat
7. Teachers negotiate their own contracts - individually or teams. The highest paid anybody in a district is a teacher.
8. We are no longer concerned with staffing each classroom with one qualified teacher... rather draw on a teacher team led by a few experts, serving larger numbers of the same students over time. (think 7:150 instead of 1:25)
1. National Standards and Assessments
2. Better data - longitudinal
3. Embedded professional development
4. Difference Makers in student learning are teachers, principals, and having Professional Learning Communities. " The more effective the adult learning community, the more effective the student learning community."
What I want to challenge teachers, community members, and administrators with is what Dr. Posny shared. She shared the results of a survey of teachers in Kansas about why they leave the profession, what they value, what would keep them in the profession, and what they would like improved. Out of the top reasons shared, I could basically group about 8 of the 12 into one word: CULTURE. Teachers need to feel valued, appreciated and have shared input into decisions. They want and need to feel like professionals. Ironically, more money was not listed in the top 3 reasons they left - it had more to do with LEADERSHIP in the district. So principals and superintendents - listen up: YOU make a difference to teachers. We need you - we need you to set the culture in the building to be collaborative and positive. As we break over summer, think of ways to build culture in your buildings and districts. As you negotiate with teacher unions think about how the words you use, statements you make affect the culture of your district. I know money is always at the top of the list, but teachers are also interested in the other little things that motivate us and make us feel appreciated. Statements made such as
"Teachers are taking too many sick leaves on Friday and Monday. A doctor's documentation will now be needed," defies any ability to build trust, be treated as professionals, or develop a CULTURE in a district. In my talks to principal groups this year, I have tried to emphasize: "If you have a problem with a teacher or group of teachers, talk to the specific teachers - don't create rules or generalizations that punish the entire staff." It is also just good teaching - as teachers we talk to the students that have created a problem and don't make sweeping rules that are basically for one student who is ignoring the rules anyway. Over the summer, think about the ways EACH of us can build culture - because as Roland Barth says:
“The nature of relationships among the adults in a school has more to do with the success of the students in that building than any other factor.”
Great insights Cindy. The analogy I recently read with administrators and culture was this:
Administrators should be two things: 1. a thermostat-which is used to set the climate and 2. a thermometer-which reflects the climate
They must read the climate before setting the thermostat. "You must read the people before you lead the people"
That is an awesome quote/analogy...I am going to use that in my video for the KASSP if that is ok! Those two comments are right on in my opinion!
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